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Stranger Things Have Happened

Channeling my inner old Eastern European Lady.

This is probably the best photo I've ever taken.  I was visiting Washington D.C. for the first & only time.  I won the contest for happiest and most obvious tourist, had they been having such a contest.  No one, and I mean NO ONE can pull off the flowered button down shirt, black jeans, wind breaker, head scarf, pink fanny pack (slung over my forearm, no less) and bright white sneakers quite like my eleven year old self could.

I don't take a lot of photo's of myself.  OK that's a lie.  I take A LOT of photo's, but what I keep is very minimal.  So, here's what I could dig up.

I lovingly refer to this as 'Bitch Face'.

Ah, ladies you know all about Bitch Face.  There are meme's dedicated to it.  Those of us who happen to look pissy when we are, in fact, just being.  Also, yes from time to time I still play dress up & pretend in the mirror.  

Lego Boba Fett
That's all the intro this photo needs, right?  Lego Boba Fett.  I generally wear contacts for my near sightedness, but glasses are not unheard of.  Note the "very large" forehead.  It tends to make people nervous.  Though, I haven't a clue why.  I've got some FIERCE eyebrows, right?  

Once I had red hair...
Once in my life I had red hair.  Once in my life I apparently looked like this.  I don't even know how to describe this girl.

Oh, did you not want to see me as a Vulcan?
This was the year I went as an old woman for Halloween.  The elderly high ranking Vulcan female, T'Pau from the original series.  I pick a very obscure character and an elderly one at that.  I loved that Halloween.

By all evidentiary accounts, I'm never out of doors.
I do go out of doors.  Really, I do.  All the time in fact.  Just I'm never taking photo's of myself while I'm out.  This as well as the Lego Boba Fett photo are as much as I can smile while my mouth is closed.  Just a one sided wonky smile.  I don't know.  Also there is my widows peak that I adore.

"So this is your mugshot!", says my sister
Mainly I'm showing this for more "normal" facial expression photo's.  Especially the one on the right.  I make that one a lot.

Teeth that could core an apple through a fence
I actually like my wonky teeth.  They're not as bad as that kid that played Marcus Flint in the Harry Potter films, but just about.  Surprisingly enough, I've gotten many a compliment on them.  Mainly because those gals are crazy about vampires & my canine's are quite prominent.  I lead an odd life.

Being cross-eyeded (yes, I said eye-ded) is fun!
And this is the most recent photo of me, taken about 20 minutes ago.  No make-up and glasses.

There is an "About Me" page, but who ever looks at those things?  I don't mind divulging things about myself when people ask.  You didn't ask, but I'm making a journal post.  What else am I supposed to fill it with?  So, let's begin.

I am a Virgo.  Greatest of all the Zodiac signs according to fellow Virgo's.  I was once disappointed that I didn't have a cool weapon.  My father is a Leo, so he can eat people, as lions do.  My sister is a Taurus and can gore people with her horns and trample people.  I'm a virgin carrying wheat.  Boring!  So, do I beat people with my wheat?  "Ah, but you have a scythe hidden in that bushel of wheat for unsuspecting people." it was pointed out.  Now, I think my weapon is badass.  

I share my birthdate of 18. September with two famous actresses.

Greta Garbo

Beth Grant
Swedish film star, Greta Garbo; Mata Hari, Anna Karenina, Camille.  Originally hailing from the south film star, Beth Grant; Donnie Darko, Little Miss Sunshine, All About Steve, Pushing Daisies.  One of these women I met, along with her family in a Catholic Church in Van Nuys.  I'll let you guess which one.   She's awesome by the way.

Me & Thai Tushka (The Baby)
I've never known a life without cats.  As soon as I was brought home from hospital and laid in my crib, I was surrounded by cats.  My parents would take them away and I would cry, so eventually they'd leave them with me.  My first word was not baby speak for mom or dad, it was "itty" for kitty.  I'd hold out my arms and say "itty" until they handed me one.

I was born and raised where it rarely snows.  A place where it's always hot, humid and hardly ever dips down below 40.  People here complain about the heat, but they secretly enjoy it.  They are used to it.  What they fear, do not understand and can not abide is the cold.  If the temperature is 50, it is not uncommon to see people dressed for an Arctic expedition.  It is also not uncommon, at that time, to see me in a tank top and flip flops enjoying the blessedly wonderful day.  I have never gotten used to the weather here.  More people than I can count, ask me if I'm from Canada or Alaska or somewhere else that's "foreign".  I'm the odd girl out.  I'm the only one crazy enough to wear "summer clothes" want ice water or ice cream when it's "sooo damn cold out."

5.12.1969 - 25.12.2006

I used to have the most gloriously fantastical, terrifically awesome older brother.  I mean THE coolest.  He had THE best laugh ever.  I know this post is supposed to be about me, but in away, my brother was a part of me, so it goes.  Sure, Boba Fett is an awesome Star Wars character, but my brother made him 10x cooler by making the pewter Fett statuette in Star Wars monopoly so coveted, or by always throwing around Boba Fett's name into conversations like he was name dropping a hot topic celebrity.  

He was only 37 when he fell into a diabetic coma, passed away and wouldn't be found for two and a half more weeks.  He died playing a video game, which was so appropriate, you'd think it was made-up.  We were there with him when he fell into a coma.  We called to wish him a Happy Christmas.  We thought he was just sleepy.  We all, in our own ways, said our goodbye's to him and he to us.  After we got the news that he was found in his apartment it turned into a "shoulda, coulda, woulda" scenario.  We SHOULD have known he wasn't just sleepy.  We COULD have called 911 for him.  We WOULD have told him to take his insulin or drink some juice.  But hind sight is 20/20.  We didn't know during our phone conversation, it never even crossed our minds... because it wasn't supposed to.  The fact remains that my brother died that night and it was his time.  He's a Jedi, man.  Stronger now in death than he ever was in life.  He's totally winning the afterlife; rescuing our grandmother, visiting his still alive son, helping Janice & Theodore heal; helping us.  So, while there is a hole in my heart that he no longer fills, it's OK.  It remains unfilled, because there is no one else who could fill it, except him.  But it doesn't mean he is gone.  This snippet of this post is proof.  Anyone who reads it will know of my brother, even if they did not know my brother.  Even if I didn't write this snippet, he's still here.  He never really left.  He never really could have.  He is in everything.  In all of our memories.  He might finally die when all of us have left this earth, but then again, he might not.  There's a lot of people now that will have to die before he's truly dead.  I made sure of that.

Pint sized sex kitten?

Contrary to the photo above, I have never really been the gal men want to date.  Sure, there was the ever popular game of kiss-chase that the boys made up in 1st grade.  They just wanted to chase the girls, hold on to them and kiss them.  All the girls wanted to play, I was always chosen.  I think, however, I didn't understand the real concept of the game.  For me, it was to outrun ALL the boys, to be the one they never could catch; to be victorious in my out maneuvering capabilities.  

Skip ahead twenty five years, and from a purely reasoning stand point, I wonder what happened.  Did I inadvertently start running and forget to stop?  Was it my Dwalinish (the dwarf) good looks?  Both?  Whatever the reason, I am thirty two years old and I am single.  Not only am I single... I've always been single.  I've never had a boyfriend or a date.  Ok, yes I'm probably living under a rock.  It's not that I don't want someone.  I do.  I used to want it too badly though that it made me miserable.  I thought about it one day; what is easier to change - the entire male population... or myself?  One person is a lot easier, though not easy.  I decided I didn't want to be upset over it anymore.  I didn't want to be bound by it any longer.  So, I am no longer.  Instead of desperately wanting love and men to look at me, I decided it was much easier to simply live my life.  So, this is what I do.  I dress up for no one other than the mood strikes me to dress up.  I wear what I want.  I style my hair the way I want.  Sure I care if I have toilet paper sticking out of my jeans or there's spinach in my teeth, but now it's not because that random guy over there will be turned off.  It's simply because I don't want toilet paper and spinach about me, because let's face it, who does?    

I'm literally surrounded & flanked by men... I couldn't even tell you who they were.

My life is actually a lot more freeing, now that I've freed myself of those shackles.  I didn't even know men could be used as a shackle until I took them off, laid them on the ground and walked away.  When I looked back they became smaller and smaller until they were gone.  They were no longer a noose around my neck.  That's when I realized I was breathing for the first time.  What a difference it made!  I haven't sworn off men, but I'm not strangling myself with the notion of them anymore.

This post is all over the place, so I'll list some things I really like and be done because I want to hurry up and watch Cloud Atlas again.

Rain and thunderstorms

Air conditioning



Coffee (it's easier than typing, 'Very, very strong coffee and espresso based drinks', even though I've now defeated the purpose)

Ice water


Squishy, comfy bed


Smoking (cigarettes and pipes)

Bonnebell Lip Smackers


Enjoying popcorn and coke at the movies

Spending time with my family


Ah, look!  I've apparently always smiled like this!


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