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Star Trek

It has been decided that my phonetical examples for the Hallo, Hallo ich sprechen Deutsches? post were a bit confusing.  But I can't be sussed at the moment to go back & fix it.  My apologies, but time marches forward.

Today I saw Star Trek Into Darkness.  I'm an open minded film watcher.  As with anything that is different from the original, I do notice it, but I say, "Sure, I can get on board with this!" and enjoy the film anyways.  If you are a Trekkie, who hasn't seen this film yet, just go ahead & skip to the illustrations section of this post.  Otherwise, here's what I have to spoil say.

While I don't mind that Spock & Uhura are an item in the two new films; it makes me feel even worse for Nurse Chapel in the original series.  She loved Spock so, so much, but he just couldn't love her back, as seen in the epi Amok Time.  :(  Poor Nurse Chapel.  Glad she was verbally mentioned in this film though, considering that characters actor, Majel Barrett was Mrs. Star Trek & was in everything Star Trek related (even if just voice work) until she passed away.

It was strange to have Captain Pike just die, instead of becoming an invalid & Kirk whisking him off to a planet in the Talos system where the Talosians can use illusion to make Pike fully functioning again, as seen in pilot, The Cage & The Menagerie parts I & II.

It was also strange to hear them talking about super soldiers who had been cryogenically frozen for 300 years & set adrift in space.  I was like, "Khan?  We're doing Khan too?!"  Yep.  We were having Khan in this movie as well.

It is a little weird to remember that it was Kirk & crew to stumble upon the lifeless ship in space with frozen people & awaken Khan from his slumber in the epi Space Seed, to watch now that it was someone else who awoke him & that Spock isn't the one dying on the other side of the glass, but Kirk.  And it is not Kirk who takes out Khan, but Spock.

Even a Tribble made an appearance, even if only as a test subject, which was significantly different from Uhura visiting a bar, thinking the fluffy puff ball Tribble was too adorable & purchasing one, as well as other girls from the crew, thus giving us The Trouble with Tribbles epi.

But as I said before, I noticed these things, the differences, which weren't things I was expecting, but I could keep on board with the film & thoroughly enjoy it.

But with my observations of the film aside, this is as good a time as any to upload my Star Trek TOS illustrations.  These reflect the 1960s telly show, not the new films.

Captain James "Jim" T. Kirk

Mr. Spock
Lt. Uhura
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Mr. Sulu
Mr. Scott "Scotty"
Nurse Christine Chapel
Ensign Chekov


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