The Star Child

I was listening to a replay of a January 2000 Art Bell Coast to Coast AM show Saturday night.

Art had Lloyd Pye on the show talking about skulls that he had recently acquired.

He was talking about this girl. Her parents were from Mexico but she was a natural born citizen, they went back to Mexico on holiday in the 1930's. The girl went exploring and came upon a cave [actually mine shaft]. Apparently, inside the cave was a human skeleton, but a hand was protruding from the ground holding onto the human skeleton's hand.

The girl dug around the hand to reveal a very oddly shaped skull. She took the bones of the human and the bones she exhumed back to the village with her. A rain storm came, and took all the bones away except for the skulls. She brought the skulls back to the U.S. with her and kept them her entire life.

The girl, now an old woman, knew she was going to die. So, she asked a friend of her to take the skulls. He did so, but his wife hated having them in the house. So, they passed hands an undetermined amount of time [because I can't remember] and finally came to Lloyd Pye.

It was all highly interesting listening to it on the radio. At first, I thought this was new, but then remembered the Art Bell had left Coast to Coast AM. Then I heard it was a replay. It wasn't until I checked the Coast to Coast AM site that I realized it was from January of 2000.

They had mentioned a website on the show, so when I got home, I typed it in. Wouldn't work. Probably from people hearing the replay, going to the site and exeeding the bandwidth. LOL. They said in the original broadcast that they were having trouble with the bandwidth and people were having trouble seeing the picture.

I went to the Coast to Coast AM site, but it only supplied the same link.

The next day, I was finally able to visit the site, Star Child

The site is a little daunting. Just a hodgepodge of text and boxes and it's all thrown together in such a haphazard way, that I found I did not want to look at. It also seemed forced. Just a lot of words without a lot of information. If you want more information, you have to buy his book. *sigh* >_<

But, I must admit, I am intrigued by the skull. Whether it is an alien or not, it is still something to be further examined. Although, I am pretty sure that it is not merely a deformity of some sort, or years of sedimentation or other such nonsense. It's definitely something. Worth sifting through the overly larger text and wacky web design to read more about it.

I for one, will not be buying the book. But you can count on me to find it at my local library.


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