The Girl Talks...

I'm talkin' girl talk here. I may spend a lot of time in guy land, & find relative comfort there, but I do come standard with the girl parts, so... inevitable things occur. I'm not even certain if I'm all woman really. No... I'm talkin' part android or demon or something. Simply because I come at things in a very unlady like & different fashion basically. But let's just dive in, shall we? Yes, lets... So... the change is a-happenin'. What is it? Some unknown stage of peri-menopause, because Menopause is when you're actually done with the change? Yeah? I also say unknown, because in that true android/demon fashion, I don't see lady doctors. I don't know women who haven't gone to a gynecologist at least once. Even if it's not for contraceptives or getting pregnant, but simply because it's what you do. Basically for me, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Besides the fact that I don't have health insur...