While waiting for acceptance, I found a home.

There are two things lately that have made me do a lot of thinking. A lot of thinking on societal issues as well as my own life. Being in between; being nowhere. Living two lives and yet neither completely. The first was an article published in Ebony magazine in March of 2012 by Joyce Clark Hicks entitled, Dear White Folks: Black People are Sensitive to Race , which is Hicks' written response to someone's questioning on why she is so sensitive to racial matters, which touches on her experiences as a black woman in a white world. The other being the Tumblr, We Are Not Trayvon Martin , which are reader submitted reasons why they are not Trayvon Martin in order to distinguish the difference between race in this country and how we, as a society, have been trained to view Black vs White, in an effort to enlighten and put an end to the fear mongering. My parents starting their family early with a bunny who would become a giant. These are my pa...