So, I'm a reader of teen books. I'll browse the teeny tiny teen section at our local library and decide on something. Two years ago, Hallowmere piqued my interest. I read the three books they had, then had to buy the other three in the series. I was delightedly anticipating the 7th book, The Marsh Kings Daughter ... but it was never released. Some craziness about the author, Tiffany Trent, not owning the rights to her stories, and the publishing company had decided to focus only on two series of books... which I might add already contain a bazillion books within them. *sigh* Trent is hoping to regain the rights to her books or that the publishing company will come to it's senses... Here's hoping. Well, my sister was looking for something to read, so I practically forced her into reading what is available of the Hallowmere series. She fell in love with it as much as I did. Basically the first three books are THE story, which spans the years o...