
Showing posts from August, 2014

In 1963, someone built my dream home...

Periodically I like to look online for interesting, pre-1980s homes.  I'm really into architectural detailings.  Through my searchings I have found homes with a few stunning details, but everything else sort of falls flat.  And more times than not, the previous home owners did away with all the fantastic flair in order to update the home to a newer, sleeker image.  Which I think is unfortunate because then it looks just like every other house on the market and it simply lacks any personality.  I have also found a few homes that are still in original condition and are truly fabulous, but just aren't my dream home.  But last night, that is exactly what I found.  I was sighing and oohing and in complete disbelief that this home was to be found in my very own city!  It was so perfect, in fact, in my personal opinion, that I became verklempt a few times while viewing the photo's.  I have uploaded some of them to show everything that is wonderful...