The Race for Deep Space? Or The End of an Era...?
Where have I been? I really need to invest some time in a good space/science related news feed. April 16th of this year President Obama came up with new plans for Nasa and space exploration in general. I head about this through a friend of a friend and decided that I needed to investigate further. So, he's canned the Constellation Program , which would have sent us back to the moon; stating, "We have been there before"... True. We have been there before, but there is a certain pull to our neighbor that makes humans on this planet feel a connection with it; myself included. I feel sort of abandoned... as did all of the other people who absolutely hated this decision, among them former astronauts, politicians, the aerospace industry and the nation's legions of space cadets. Not to mention that this will end all human space flights after this year which have Florida and Texas up in arms, considering they are based in human space flights. ...